SBI PO Exam Pattern 2020

Every year State Bank of India (SBI) invites applications to recruit candidates for the position of Probationary Officer (PO). The SBI PO National Level Written Exam takes place in two phases: Prelims and Mains. All the candidates who qualify the preliminary examination get shortlisted and become eligible to appear for the Main examination. Post this round, the candidates who qualify are shortlisted for Group Exercise and Interview. The Preliminary Examination of SBI PO this year is to be held between 8th to 16th June, 2020. The Main Examination will take place on 20th July, 2020.
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In order to prepare and score well, the first and foremost task is to have a clear picture and understanding of the exam pattern of SBI PO.
Overview of SBI PO Exam 2020:
Name of Examination State Bank of India Probationary Officer (SBI PO)
Exam Conducting Body SBI
Level of Examination National / All India Level
Mode of Examination Online / Computer - Based Test
Total Number of Vacancies 2000
Emoluments Rs. 27, 620 – Rs. 42, 020 (Gross)
SBI PO Exam Pattern 2020:
Step 1: Preliminary Exam
Preliminary Examination, conducted online, consists of 100 Objective Type Questions for 100 marks. The total duration of this test is 60 minutes. Each section has a time limit of 20 minutes. The candidates should clear the sectional cut off to be shortlisted by the Bank for the Main Examination.
Sections Total Questions Total Marks Duration
English Language 30 30 One Hour
Quantitative Ability 35 35
Reasoning Ability 35 35
Total 100 100  
Step 2: Main Examination
The Main Examination is further sub- divided into Objective Test and Descriptive Test carrying 200 and 50 marks respectively. Both are conducted in online mode. The candidates are required to answer the descriptive paper by typing in the answers. It immediately starts after the completion of the objective- test.
  • Objective Test: It is a 3 hour duration test consisting of 200 questions divided into 4 different sections. Every section in the objective test has a separate time limit to complete the questions. To qualify the test it is mandatory for the candidates to secure minimum marks in every section, as decided by the banking authorities.
    Sections Total Questions Total Marks Duration (minutes)
    English Language 35 40 40
    Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 60 45
    Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 45 60 60
    General, Economy & Banking Awareness 40 40 35
    Total 155 200 180
  • Descriptive Test: The Descriptive Test is a 50 marks test of English Language- Essay and Letter Writing. The total time allotted for this section is 30 minutes. The candidates are required to obtain at least passing marks to qualify the test and become eligible for the next round i.e. group discussion and personal interview.
Penalty for Incorrect Answer
The penalty for incorrect answer is applicable to both examinations- Prelims and Mains. For every incorrect answer, one fourth marks will be deducted from the total marks assigned to that question in the objective tests. In case of any unattempted question, no mark will be deducted.
Step 3: Group Exercises and Personal Interview
20 and 30 marks are allotted to Group Exercises and Interview, respectively. The Bank is the sole authority to decide the adequate number of candidates and the qualifying marks in these rounds. The candidates who clear this round are finally placed in the Bank as Probationary Officers. For more details, you can check the Official Website of SBI:
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