IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2020

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts a common written examination (CWE) on behalf of multiple nationalized banks. The form submission and the examination will be in the online mode only. Online registration begins from August 7 to August 28 2020. There is no offline process for form submission. The exam is conducted in 3 phases and in this article, we aim to discuss them in detail:
  • Online Objective Type Preliminary Examination- 100 Marks
  • Online Objective Type Main Examination- 225 Marks
  • Personal Interview- 100 Marks
Preliminary exam will be conducted on 3rd, 4th & 10th October, 2020 and the main exam will be held on 28th November, 2020. The detailed exam pattern of the three phases will help you plan your preparation for the exam in the right way.
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Phase 1: IBPS PO Preliminary Exam 2020
Conducted online, phase 1 of the IBPS PO entrance exam contains a total of 100 objective type questions across 3 sections. Each question carries 1 mark and 0.25 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer. Candidates have to clear the sectional as well as the overall cutoff to qualify for the mains examination.
Section No. of Questions Duration
English Language 30 1 Hour
Quantitative Aptitude 35
Reasoning Ability 35
Phase 2: IBPS PO Mains Exam 2020
Only the candidates qualifying the preliminary examination can appear for phase 2, which is also conducted online. The exam consists of 157 questions over 5 sections. A total of 210 minutes i.e. 3 hours 30 minutes are given for this exam. Each section has a different marking scheme, and 0.25 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer. Candidates have to clear the sectional as well as the overall cutoff to qualify for the interview.
Section No. of Questions Marks Duration
English Language 35 40 40 minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 60 45 minutes
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 45 60 60 minutes
General Awareness 40 40 35 minutes
Essay & Letter Writing 2 25 30 minutes
Phase 3: Interview
Candidates who clear the cutoffs for the mains exam and fulfill all the qualification requirements are shortlisted for the interview round. This round carries 100 marks. Interviews are generally conducted in January-February. The final merit list is prepared considering the cumulative marks obtained in mains examination (80%) and interview (20%). The job offer is made on the basis of this final list. The final result and allotment will be done in April 2020.
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